Designed for the needs of highly-regulated financial institutions

Greenlite brings frontier AI into a secure, private and trustworthy platform
for financial institution.
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Trusted by leading financial institutions

Innovative banks partner with Greenlite
to bring AI to their compliance team.
Leadings fintechs trust Greenlite to stay
compliant while growing fast.
Gain a competitive advantage with industry-
leading member experiences and
compliance programs.

Bring the power of Greenlite to your clients

Use Greenlite's tech to upsell your existing customers, provide more value beyond
consulting and advising, and solve more problems for your clients.

Greenlite is loved by compliance,
technology and executive leadership

"Greenlite's pioneering AI-based automation will significantly bolster our capabilities in discerning client risk, offering our team accurate and comprehensive compliance insights. This will allow us to scale more efficiently and better serve our client base, all under the umbrella of top-tier compliance technology."
Chris Mastrangelo
Chief Compliance Officer
Time cut
on due diligence
Read Grasshopper Case
"Greenlite's solution didn't just meet our expectations; it exceeded them from day one. The speed and accuracy with which we could now handle alerts allowed us to not only keep pace with our growth but also enhance our compliance posture simultaneously."
Grace Moloney
Head of Compliance and Financial Crime
Less time spent
on alert handling
Read Sling Case
"Greenlite's analysis is as good – if not better – than if a human did the review. It's not just box checking, it genuinely raises our compliance standards."
Maurice Harary
Chief Executive Officer
Reduction in time to complete monthly screening alert
Read Fluz Case

Work smarter,
not harder

Get in touch to understand how Greenlite can help
your team move faster with better compliance.
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One of our experts will contact you as soon as posible.
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